
New Years Resolution

This year my New Year's Resolution is to lose weight. Does that sound familiar?? Of course it does because I have said this for the past 4 years. But this year I am really going to do it. We are doing a Biggest Loser Competition with some of Ryan's family. We each put in 25.00 and there are 11 of us doing the competition. So the winner will get 70% and the second runner up will get 30% of that money. We weigh in every Sunday and its going to last 12 weeks. Its definitely a motivator for me. I am very competitive. I have a brand new treadmill in my basement that has been sitting here for 2 years never used. I walk right past it everyday to sit down to get on the Internet. So today I forced myself on it and worked out and then I did some crunches and it isn't as hard as I have told myself it would be. I am trying to do it everyday. I would post some before shots but I don't want to scare people out of reading my blog.

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